Chiropractic Treatment for Shin Splints
For anyone who has ever experienced shin splints, they can be extremely painful and even debilitating, hindering the ability to remain active until recovery is complete. Shin splints are most common after rigorous, physical activity. However, they can occur from simply putting too much strain on the legs.
What are the Symptoms for Shin Splints and What Causes Them?
Shin splints result from issues that affect the tibia, the larger bone in the lower leg. In addition to causing inflammation of the bone, the tibialis muscles can also be strained or inflamed. The tibialis muscles connect the foot to the tibia and control movement of the foot. Victims of this condition experience extreme pain on the front of the leg, on the inside edge of the tibia, or where the tibialis muscles connect. Tenderness and swelling of the muscles in the lower leg may occur as well. Numbness or tingling in the feet are also common side effects. The pain often occurs while engaged in strenuous physical activity. It may fade or become so intense that it's impossible to continue. It is a major mistake to ignore this type of injury and continue to push through the pain. This could lead to serious injury such as stress fractures or compartment syndrome.
People who are involved in running or sports that require a person to stop and start often, such as basketball and tennis, are prone to this condition. It is especially problematic for anyone who runs on hard surfaces for a prolonged period of time on a regular basis. Those who are new to running are most commonly afflicted, especially when they don't take proper care to warm up and cool down. The extreme amount of impact on the muscles and intense pressure combine to cause inflammation.
Chiropractic Treatment for Shin Splints
The first recommendation to treat this condition is to rest. Ice and anti-inflammatory medication are helpful to treat pain. Chiropractic treatment can help resolve the problem if rest and self treatment is not enough. through various types of exercises. Stretching and the use of sports tape will provide additional support. A chiropractor will also evaluate your gait and footwear to prevent reinjury.
How to Avoid the Problem
Shin splints can be avoided by using proper footwear and running on surfaces that are softer. In addition, warming up properly is a must.