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Joint Hypermobility Pain

Joint hypermobility is a common disorder that can cause neck pain, shoulder pain, a pinched nerve, knee pain, elbow pain and wrist pain. It is...

Non Surgical Treatment for Herniated Discs

A herniated disc is also known as a slipped disc. The discs are the rubbery cushions that are found between the vertebrae. These discs are a lot like jelly...

Tension Headache Treatment

Chiropractc Treatment for Tension HeadacheAlmost everyone has suffered from a tension headache at some point in their lives. These headaches...

CrossFit Shoulder Injury Treatment

CrossFit Shoulder Injury TreatmentCrossFit is one of the most powerful forms of exercise that can help you rapidly build muscle, lose fat, and get in...

Graston Technique for Surgical Scar Tissue

During surgery, otherwise healthy tissue is often incised. After healing, scar tissue is typically left behind. In certain parts of the body, this scar...